Find your dream home

Nick & Katie Lyle
Nick & Katie Lyle
Green Township


We promise that:

WE'LL WORK HARD - Whether it’s a Friday night offer or a last-minute sprint to HomeGoods to get that matching throw pillow for your kick-ass staging, we’ll work overtime to provide you with the real estate customer service that ensures you’re happy and have all of the information you need to make the best decisions regarding your move.

WE'LL BE AVAILABLE WHEN YOU NEED US - We know that real estate never sleeps and that’s why we pride ourselves on our fast response time, whether you’re calling us about a question on one of our listings, need a market evaluation on your property, or just want to chat.

WE'LL BE HONEST WITH YOU - If we think that you can’t afford the house you want, or that you have unrealistic expectations when it comes to the value of your current home, we’ll tell you. We’d rather forfeit a commission check than encourage you to make a decision that you’ll regret – as far as we’re concerned, honesty turns good real estate customer service into great service.

WE WON'T DISAPPEAR AFTER THE SALE - We won’t work with you and then disappear as soon as you’ve bought or sold a property with us. We’ll stay in touch as often as you’d like us to. Many of our clients become our good friends and that's the icing on the cake for us.

REAL ESTATE CUSTOMER SERVICE THAT WORKS - Our pledge is to provide you with the highest level of customer service in the real estate industry. We’re so confident that you’ll be 100% delighted with our expertise and service that we guarantee you the right to cancel your representation agreement with us at any time if you’re not completely smitten with our services. And we’ll happily put that in writing!

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